The story DLC includes Jaws of Hakkon, The Descent and the recently released Trespasser. This may turn off some fans who already own the game, but for those who have yet to pick up the title it makes little difference.

However, when responding to a fan question on the official Dragon Age twitter, it was revealed that all of the downloadable content comes as a voucher code with the game, meaning that the game on-disc is simply Dragon Age: All of the bonus content will be accessible through download code. It comes as no surprise then, when Bioware revealed the Game of the Year Edition earlier this week.ĭue out on October 6, Dragon Age: Inquisition – Game of the Year Edition features all of the story and costume DLC from the award-winning title. Dragon Age: Inquisition was one of 2014’s most well-received games, winning several awards and widely considered a great contender for Game of the Year.